1. With the publication of his op-ed article in The New York Times in July 2003, Joseph Wilson became a "partisan gunslinger." So what was wrong with the Bush Administration attacking him?
2. The director of the CIA told Bush it was a "slam dunk" that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Valerie Plame worked in the CIA’s Counterproliferation Division. So, when Joseph Wilson said he told the CIA that Saddam Hussein was not trying to buy uranium from Niger, was he trying to tell the truth about the Bush Administration? Or was he just trying to shield his wife and her employer against charges of incompetence by shifting the blame for being wrong* about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction to the Bush Administration from the people in the CIA whose job it was to know whether Iraq had them or not?
3. Given that (i) Valerie Plame at least suggested her husband for the trip to Niger, (ii) Joseph Wilson tried to claim in his New York Times op-ed article that it was all Bush’s fault, (iii) Wilson’s wife worked in the CIA, and (iv) there were/are a large number of people in the CIA who opposed/oppose the Bush Administration’s policy in Iraq, why wasn’t it relevant who Wilson’s wife was?
* Iraq actually did have weapons of mass destruction. See here. However, it does appear that they were not as numerous or current as everybody thought in 2002/2003.