According to this report in Der Spiegel, Bashar Assad’s regime is still using chemical weapons. It’s just that they switched from the kind of chemical weapons that they agreed to turn over to international control to one that they haven’t:
“Although Damascus has turned over 92.5 percent of its chemical weapons stockpile, including sarin, as agreed, it continues to deploy poison gas against the Syrian people. Given chlorine's use in everyday products, it isn't included in the list of weapons the regime has agreed to place under international control. Its deployment against humans is nonetheless prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention, of which Syria is a signatory.”
So, what is the Administration going to do about President Obama’s formerly red line against Syria’s use of chemical weapons? Will it ignore these reports, as it did the first reports of the use of sarin gas, hoping that the reports won’t get much attention or that Bashar Assad won’t use chlorine gas in large attacks? Or will it continue to proclaim the success of its policy of getting Syria to turn over its declared chemical weapons and ignore Syria’s usage of non-declared chemical weapons? Sort of like Benghazi: Bin Laden is dead. Al Qaeda is defeated. Therefore, it had to be the video – at least during the campaign.